

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Black Wedding

"Our enemies fight with fear. We fight with joy."

Post-Holocaust anti-semitism planted by Nazi-Judenforscher and eugenics needs to be stopped

Linocut Black Wedding - A  legend for overcoming in times of dispair.
A beautiful young woman from a certain family chose a man to marry, who had a special trait or disability. The marriage ceremony took place at a cemetary, so the ancesters (insert over the canapy) would give their blessings. The community was obliged to provide for the couple's well being and livlihood. This was a measure against social dislocation and progroms. Jewish communities didn't have plague epidemics, because they had good hygiene and buried their dead on the same day they died. Jewish natural religion heals.

I started this blog on Blogger for self-defence. You can use translation software such as Google translate in order to read the German posts. The English language is not the problem, but the emotional and professional strain. I was forced to spill out extremely personal information, because my name and heritage has been sent around, inviting extreme criminals, frauders and state-sponsored forces to openly lynch me, send in paid killers, without an explanation, making my existence the cause of much harm to others, who were subjected to similar treatment. I was also motivated to write this, upon hearing about the WPATH files. Post-Holocaust antisemitism is societal change for the worst, after and because of the Holocaust. In order to better understand, I suggest, you first watch two films on eugenics and social darwinism, which is at the core of modern antisemitism. 

The historical context of the pseudoscience of eugenics and social darwinism is best explained by experts fromt the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on the youtube-video on the History of Eugenics. Another educational youtube video on the subject of eugenics is The Mind/Brain; Crash Course History of Science. As to WPATH, if a mother has her child castrated, it should be looked into passed on trauma from the Holocaust and Nazi medical experiments, the history of state-propagated eugenics, also from the left (see the link in the footer to a piece from the British The Guardian from 1997), moral hazard from financial market regulation, societal change and bad-value trained AI. My case started, when there was no wide-spread antisemitism. It was all planned, in order to wreck an ordinary little woman, who, a long time ago had been a bright and happy child, then a trained farmer and economist of agriculture, propagating nothing else than what is written in law in civilized countries and text books for students of the first year of university studies in economics, banking apprentices of maybe the second year of their apprenticeship. The history of the economic crisises in the first half of the 20. century is all well documented and has been analysed by historians and economists over and over again and published, so everyone can read about the facts and conclusions. On the contrary to Julian Assange, I have always had a strong belief in democratic authorities, and that the rule of law is in place after what happened during World War II. 

A certain people

The Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) was arrested and deported to concentration camps not because he was Jewish, but because of his teachings as a scholar of psychiatry. He emphasized that the mentally ill and cognative disabled were equal and worthy people. He spoke out clearly against the pseudoscience of eugenics that was very popular in many academic disciplines before World War I and afterwards. Frankl never spoke of Jews, but of a certain people. They ran enterprises in which trained workers decided on how to build and run the machines. Management was divided among family members who each had the training and talent for engineering and innovation, management and finance. They started out as craftsmen and merchants. The craftsmen built the first mills. (Braverman, 1974). The merchants were probably the millers, but some of them travelled for business and got to know other cultures and techniques. Some met women where they travelled to and married them. Some stayed, some went back to where they had came from. Migration for a long time in human history was slow and back and forth. Researchers of the human brain say the belief in a higher being, religion is inherent to the brain and situated close to the part of the brain that is responsible for creativity. The Jewish belief was originally natural religion. I personally believe that the belief that there is only one God or spiritual being could have sprung up among different people and different places of the world independently, or could have been spread by merchants and craftsmen travelling around because of their professions. Next to doing business, they probably talked about their beliefs and rituals of worship and  the rules that governed their business practices and the rules along which they lived. Some historians say that there were Jewish missionaries. Some of the storytelling and rituals among Jews, Buddhists, Hindu and indeginious people are the same. A protestant theologist once told me, the belief in God is about giving life a meaning. The Jewish belief and tradition is one of peace and love, of art, music and theater. As the singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) went to Israel in 1973 to sing for Israeli soldiers, who had to fight off Egyptian and Syrian attackers on Yom Kippur Day, the musician Mayer Malik has been singing for soldiers and suvivors of the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th, in order to heal the trauma and prepare for battle against terrorists. Asked why, he said:

"Our enemies fight with fear. We fight with joy."

Historically, the Jews in Israel were never one bit colonial invaders. During the Ottoman empire, which lasted from the 14th century to the end of World War I, there were sephardic Jews living and working the land in Palestine. They were called sephardic, because they had traditional clothing that was different from other groups. The Arab population were beduins. They had no reason to not get along with each other. As always, when people settle down, farm, manufacture and thus acquire wealth, there are raiders and thiefs that come in to harvest assets that they themselves are not able to produce themselves. By legend, the sephardic Jews were supposed to have left Spain in the 1490s, after Cathlic Spanish Royalty took over Andalusia, which is true for some, but many were probably already in the Arabian world. I in general don't believe in dividing people into categories. This was the Zeitgeist of the 19th Century. Nationalism was an euphemism for fascist movements, such as the Falange of General Franco (1892-1975) during the Spanish Civil War, in order to make the putchists against the elected republican government of Spain more appealing to upper middle class westerners. The nationalism of the first half of the 20th Century oppressed minorities in places, where people from different ethniticies and religions had been living next to each other without really big problems for centuries, for example in the Ottoman and Austrian-Hungarian empires. In areas, where people of different cultures and ethnicities live together, there is however societal dislocation, because often, different tribes and groups have different social and political standing. Some have more wealth and political powers than others and even behave as oppressors. People of Jewish descent often were part of the scientific and cultural communities, wealthy merchants and bankers in the countries in which they lived.

Zionism as a cooperative movement in order to escape antisemitism

Zionism, defined by the Austro-Hungarian journalist and intellectual Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), was a socialist movement in order for Jews to escape the terrible antisemitism of the time, when progroms and economic exclusion of Jews were epidemic in Europe, starting in the 19th century. In the beginning, Zionists didn't necessarily want to settle in Palestine. Other places, even in Africa, were taken into consideration for building socialist collectives that are now known as Kibbutz. A friend who travelled to New Zealand in the 1980s, told me, she met German pacifists, whose cooperative communities had emigrated from Europe before World War I. In 1914, when that war started, most socialists discarded their internationalist views and joined in hailing for war. In 1917, because the British Army was already on its way, it got the order by the Allies to take Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. The British foreign minister of the time, Arthur Balfour (1848-1930), made contact with Theodor Herzl, because he thought that Jewish Zionist settlers, some of whome were already in Palestine at the time, would be supporters of the British for establishing rule of Palestine, as they were European and had the same cultural background as the British. The first Kibbutz had been established in 1910 according to German cooperative law. The Zionist organisation bought marginal, arid lands from Arabian landlords, who were not interested in farming it. If German Jews wanted to emigrate to Palestine, they were obliged to undergo training in special farms in Germany, belonging to the Zionist Organisation. They had to get a vocational certificate for a type of work that was needed there, which was mainly farming. Which type of skills Jewish emigrants needed, was determined by the ruling British authorities, who also imposed quotas. In the 1930s, when Jews in Germany were seperated and prosecuted in Germany, one third of those that had met all legal standards for emigration to Palestine, were turned down by the British authorities and thus staid stuck in Germany, awaiting certain death in the Holocaust.

The founding of the country of Israel

From 1921 to 1948, Palestine was a British mandate, meaning, it was administered by the British on the behalf of the League of Nations. Palestine was not a colony. Golda Meir (1898-1978), Prime Minister of Israel from 1969 to 1974, said in an interview that from 1921 to 1948 she had had a Passport of the Land of Palestine. There was no difference then between Jews, Arabs and people of other ethnicities or religions, or division of the land area on both sides of the river Jordan. The League of Nations no longer existed after World War II and was considered to have been a total failure, because it hadn't been able to prevent war and genocide. Thus, in 1948 the British mandate for Palestine had no legal backing, because there was no longer a League of Nations. Holocaust survivors still lived in the camps, because they had no where to go. All of their properties and possesions had been taken over by others. In 1946, a terrible pogrom had happened in the Polish town of Kielce, when some Holocaust survivors and Jewish refugees had gone back to their native town of Kielce in Poland. As other people were living in their former homes, the Jewish Committee of Kielce bought an appartment building for them. A little Polish boy went missing and tales of blood libel resulted in Polish soldiers, police officers and ordinary people murdering 42 of those unfortunate survivors in a brutal way. All in all, the newly formed United Nations decided to designate Palestine as a haven for persecuted Jews.

They settled for two nations in Palestine, a Jewish state that became Israel, and an Arab one, that actually, some Arab countries wanted to annex. They tried to put that wish into reality, by attacking Israel in the same year of 1948, after the country of Israel had been established by UN resolution. Israel warded that attack off, but what is now called the West Bank and was supposed to have been part of the Arab Palestine state, came under the rule of Jordania. After the founding of Israel, Arab countries anulled the citizenship of their Jewish population, making them leave their countries and move to Israel, leaving their fortunes and properties for the governments of their homelands of centuries to seize. This type of political intervention was considered to be normal in the first half of the 20th century, especially after World War I. 

The haunt of World War I and escape of Nazi ideologists to the Arab world

The parcelling out of the empires that had lost World War I, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and the Prussian Empire that had become Germany in 1871, redesigned Europe and the Middle East, meaning for example that Germany lost 20% of its GDP from industry. German companies, often owned by Jewish enterpreneurs, areas of economic powerhouses, were then in Poland. Even the liberal democrat and foreign minister Gustav Stresemann (1878-1929) wanted to get these lands back, and not only by pieceful means. World War II and Nazism had also left a mark on Arab populations and governments. One of the most hateful persons of Nazism was the socalled Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini (1897-1974). The Israeli ambassador to the UN has just recently shown a picture of him, sitting together with the German dictator Adolf Hitler (1889-1945). Al-Husseini spewed antisemitism as a type of Arab nationalism. He lobbyed for the extermination of Jews, evaded persecution as a war criminal wanted by Great Britain and helped Nazi war criminals and ideologistes escape to Arab countries. 

I don´t intend to go further into the Israel-Palestine conflict. But I do believe that the two-state solution deriving from the UN resolution in 1948 should be viewed differently today. There is a tendency now, generations later to interprete the facts of history from a point of view held today that is completely different from when things happened and I view this as dangerous. Being a German by birth, having gone to school in the country responsible for the Holocaust, I received a very good teaching of the reasons for why the Holocaust happened and that it should never happen again. Nationalist ideology and economic crisis, the debt and misery after World War I shouldn't be repeated. Many countries who now stand against Israel had a long tradition of peaceful coexistence between the people of the Abrahamic religions, namely Iran, formerly called Persia and also Turkey. It is strange that the Arab nationalist flag, the one with the stripes and triangle, is now being waved as the one for Hamas and Palestinians, when in fact it was originally the one of Nationalists against those countries of multi ethnicity. I didn't know that I was by the standard of Nazi-Rassenhygiene considered to be a Jewess, or maybe even also by geneology to be Jewish. I grew up without religion, but I was raised with the culture of oral tradition and in my family there was a lot of respect for Persian and Arabian culture. 

Rules for community and commerce came from Jewish tradition

Apart from the merchants and craftsmen, there were also scholars to work out the rules and laws for commerce, without which there can be no selling and buying of goods, no trade and no market. In times, when writing was done on parchment and with goose quills, merchants needed to have rules in place, where business contracts could be assured with a handshake. The ones, who worked out these rules and laws were Rabbis, overall scholars, because the Jewish tradition included studies from ancient greek and roman laws, debating on subjects and so on. They had different schools for different areas of law. People travelled to the places with the schools that taught what they needed to study, in order to learn what they needed for their professional work. Some went back to from where they came, others stayed, others went otherwhere. At the end of the Middle Ages, the school for commercial law was in Maribor, then a part of Austria-Hungary, now in Slovenia. There, they were probably Christian from a very early time on, because of the cleansings of the temple by Jesus (Mathew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, John 2). In the 1930s, the term money-changers was ascribed to ruthless speculators, who forced debt on people and companies in order to make a profit off of ruinious practice, extract wealth, also called unproductive profitmaking. Of course, it's not that simple. In my German article on regenerative agriculture on this blog, I have tried to explain, how to invest in the right way, in order to create wealth and not destruction by wealth extraction.

"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tabels of the money changers ... And said to them, it is written, my house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

Matthew 21:12-13 (Scource: Wikipedia. I still don't have an English language Bibel.)

My German-Slovenian relations were Protestant. James McAuley describes in his book The House of Fragile Things (2021) on Jewish art collectors that Hélène Reinach got confirmation, normally a ritual of Protestant religion, in the Grande Synagogue of Paris. About her parents she wrote in her memoirs, that they only went to the synagogue for weddings and funerals, and:

"Religion was a subject they never broached. I assume they too had come to terms with God without intermediaries. It's necessary, if one is Jew."

Some of the certain people, who had enterprises, were Puritans. Some had emigrated to the US. They were Puritans, because they despised fraud. An economic system simply doesn't work, if people don't abide to certain rules, especially not, if it is a market-based one. The descendents of the members of town councils in Bavaria ran the markets, were catholic of the sephardic tradition. They brought people of different groups and religion together, prised a functioning community life, avoiding social dislocation. 

In my Swiss home town, were there were traditionally protestant and catholic people living together in the same area, Protestants and Catholics shared the same churches until the 1960s. Post-Holocaust antisemitism, after and because of the Holocaust, feeds on the false legends of the Nazis, making people of sephardic, christian tradition a bad type of Jew. As was stated in the film by the United States Holocaust Museum on eugenics, Germany didn't have eugenic laws before the Nazis came to power. After the Second World War, antisemitism continued in Germany, because when society  has been agitated into hard-core antisemitism, it just can't be stopped from one day to the next. Therefore, my grandparents had a great deal of totalitarian bureaucracy coming at them from authorities in the early 1950s, mainly directed toward my grandmother, who was the owner of their house. I took some pages of this correspondence with me, because I thought it was interesting, how they worked together. My grandmother did the writing, and every now and then, she would write: "I will consult my lawyer." It was then my grandfather, who wrote a very business-like letter to the lawyer, who then took action. All my relatives were really great writers, because it was a family tradition to correspond with letters. One of those letters, my grandmother had written to the authorities in 1950, I took a copy of to my Swiss home, as an example of back-writing with wit. It was changed to a piece of the worst Nazi propaganda, depicting the nature of the ugly Jewess, because the offenders imagined that that was what a mean Nazi woman would write like. One narrative of the fraudulant stealing of my bank accounts and stock shares was that they had been stolen from Jews during Nazi-Times.

 Inclusion vs eugenic degeneration

The Nazis persecuted people for reasons of eugenics and economics, which was pseudoscience, ideology and fanatism. The certain people took in handicaped, people with downs syndrome, people with chronic disease, because they considered them to be equal and worthy people and treated them according to their needs. In my greatgrandfather's family chronic, he described his brother as a person with a big head. He carried on, describing this man's past-times, where he went on walks, and when and how he died, presumably from the Spanish Flu in 1919. Even now, when talking about entrepreneurs in my area, one of the first things people explain, is that there is a family member with a disability and how they are integrated into the work of the company, usually saying things like:

"He helps with the business according to his abilities."

Women had an outstanding position in the social hierarchy of the certain people. In the entreprenieural families, ownership of the capital consisting of the surplus of profits from many generations, was passed on via the matrimonial lineage. This capital was accounted for in the same way as the soil in farm management. It doesn't get depleted, but with good management becomes more fertile and valuable over time. Why my grandmother was the owner of our house, was explained to me, in this way: If her husband would have died prematurely, then she would keep the house and it would be easier for her to support the family by herself. 

Elisabeth H.-A. with her daughters and grandchildren 1868
Source: Hans Büchler (2021) Die Zukunft beginnt (The future beginns - postcards from the Toggenburg)

One of my greatgrandmothers became a widow at a young age, with five children. Because she was aligned to company capital, and was trained a professional chef, she was able to start a business to support her family. The ownership of company capital was a different type of ownership, than we have now, derived from customary law, a type of property rights that in anglo-saxon law is called commons.

The first bankers were goldsmiths, craftsmen. They had vaults, where the locked up the valuable gold they needed in order to perform their craftsmanship. Then, they discovered, that there was spare space in their vault which they could rent out to merchants to store their coins in. The reason Jewish people became moneylenders was, because they were merchants and thus had cash. Monarchs and feudal lords had property and serfs, who like share-cropers delivered part of their harvest, after the harvest had been brought in, only once or twice a year. 

Educated and independent women

Many of the women of the certain people were highly educated. Among my ancestors, my grandmother's mother, the educator Maria Jehlin (1867-1915), was the family scholar of knowledge, also of the family traditions and religious beliefs. She chose the widower Karl Hörl (1834-193?) as her husband. 

Maria Hörl, née Jehlin (1867-1915) and Karl Hörl (1843-1928)

I can always remember the birth date of Karl Hörl, because my grandmother told me, even after reaching old age, he always insisted that the family lived in an appartment on the fourth floor, because when he was four he had witnessed pavement stones flying through the windows, when his family lived on the first floor during the Revolution of 1848. 

Histories of Munich forgotten because of Nazi-Antisemitism

Maria Jehlin's brother was a general in the First World War and built the police school in Dachau after the revolutionary riots at the end of World War I. Before then, they didn't have policemen in Munich, only some socalled Schutzmänner, who directed traffic, put drunkards into the sobering cell and every now and then chased down a thief (Oskar Maria Graf, 1967). I don't know when and how Max Jehlin died. In the forgery of the family chronicle, there's a lot written about Max Jehlin, but my greatgrandfather Karl Hörl most likely didn't even know him. People who were not related, even if they were inlaws, spoke to each other in the honorific speach forms. Another brother of Maria Jehlin was an academic librarian and another one was the first metereologist on the Bavarian mountain top of the Zugspitze. He had to take all the supplies he needed to stay up there over winter by himself, hiking up and down with two club feet. A well known highly educated woman from the certain people was Helen Keller (1880-1968), who had lost her hearing and sight as a small child. In The Story of My Life (1903), she describes her education at an all-female university which was extremely highstanding. By today's measures, it required enormous effort, talent and endurance of her classmates who could see and hear.

Beer garden Sterngarten (below) and Hotel Hoerl in Munich, forgotten landmarks of Munich, owned and managed by Regina Hörl (1817-1902), sold by her son Karl Hörl (1843-1928) to make way for the department store of Hertie, now a crumbling empty building in the middle of Munich.

The Hotel Hörl was designed by Karl Hörl and built by a well known architect of the time. Regina Hörl had it built after riots in connection to the Prussian-Bavarian War of 1866 and the rise of the price of beer. The well acclaimed business woman was forced  to hide out in the attic of the Sterngarten together with her five children, listening to the crattle of rocks thrown to the rooftop. After the crowd moved on, she climbed down from the attic and found the chairs and tables of the beer garden demolished. Karl Hörl wrote in the now distroyed type-written copy of  the family chronic that the mob attack on the Sterngarten was only because of its location next to the train station, where the rioters from the different parts of Bavaria had just arrived and assembled, in part possibly also, because the supplier of beer was Cousin Pschorr, member of the beer cartell who had taken part in the raising of the price of beer, which was then the measurement for the cost of living. Karl wrote, that upon climbing down from the attic, the first thing Regina Hörl did, was scramble to the kitchen and get food and drink for those of the crowd of rioters that were still on the scene and say:

"These poor people should be better looked after, so that they have the means to feed and take care of themselves."

Regina still decided to have a hotel built on the site of the beer garden, so she would have more upper-class guests. Regina and her husband Xaver were both children from the first marriage of their biological fathers and whose mothers had died early. When their widowed fathers remarried, the children of the first wife were sent to distant relations, who adopted them, because the second wives wanted their children to be heirs to the company, and not those of the first wife. The new families were obliged to provide them with a vocational education. For that reason, Regina became a cook. When working as a cook, Xaver Hörl spotted her, as he told his children, she was like a black serpent, buzzling about in the large kitchen of a large restaurant, giving out orders to the personell, laying hands on, where she could. However, the wife of the young restaurant owner, where she was working, became jealous and demanded that the young cook be layed off. However, the resaurant owner's mother said to her son something like this:

"If you send this formidable cook away, our business will be over. There will be no more diners coming to our restaurant. They come here to eat, because of her cooking. There is no reason for your wife to be jealous. Regina would never take you. You are no entrepreneur. You are only a son."

Regina Glatt married Xaver Hörl, who was a trained beer brewer and they became the keepers of the Munich hotel and restaurant Grosser Rosengarten that had a brewery.

"Bierstüberl" of the Hotel-Restaurant Grosser Rosengarten, Munich

Below is the only picture I have of Regina Hörl, when she was young, as I have described her. On the back is written the name of Regina Hörl, and then a question mark. I had some pictures of her as an old woman. I don't know, if I still have them. I suspect the young woman on the picture was not Regina, but the biological grandmother of my grandmother, Juliane Pschorr. All I know, is that her sister was Josephine Strauss, né Pschorr, the mother of the composer Richard Strauss (1864-1949) and the Hörl she married, or was the girl friend of, was a musician, and she was at least a very good piano player, like my grandmother. Also, I have hints she was related to the Wittelsbacher, the famous Ludwig, or his brother Otto III, who was mentally disabled. He was traumatized as an officer in the Prussian-Bavarian War of 1866, probably, because he had to fight his cousins and then treated with drugs by the quack doctors of the time. The mother of Ludwig and Otto was Princess Mary of Prussia. 

The culture of intermarrying called heiratskreis

The system and culture of intermarrying, placing children in other families, deriving from very early times, is called heiratskreis. This was a small topic in my university studies in agricultural economics, because in areas, where land was passed on to all of the children, parcelling the land into small lots, formerly the heiratskreise, the system of marriage pieced the land together again, with the same effect of crop rotation for the fertility of the soil, especially, as some farmers might have had better farming practice than others. Karl Hörl's legal grandfather owned a tannery. His half-uncle from the second marriage, turned out to be an incompetent tanner, who was prone to alcohol, so that the family business went broke. Karl Hörl had the legal right, to take over the company and rebuild it. He made his half-uncle a tenant. That didn't work out either, so in the end, he had to sell the tannery.  A former Argentinian president, of whome I don't remember the name, argued that if a lender supplies credit to someone in an unsustainable way, when he knows, the indebted one can never use the credit in order to make a profit and pay back, then the lender is liable, and he has to write off that debt. Putting children to the care of distant relatives, was for different reasons, not only if the children had been unwanted, such as, if a couple wasn't married, for reasons of inheritence, or politcal or racist persecution. It was also a tradition and for the children to have double parents and grandparents, so that there would always be someone to take care of them and pass on talents and knowledge. 

In feudal times, some landlords passed laws, forbidding the marriage of cousins. Also, many of these people didn't care for burgeois bigotry. They got divorced, lived together without civil marriage, had mistresses and socalled housefriends. Some were probably gay. In Munich, the wealthy and tenured Jews living in the quarter of the Max Vorstadt, were never prosecuted, even during medieval times, when Jews were driven away. But the hard-core antisemitism of Nationalsocialism covered up the remembrence of Jewish culture that emerged in the 19th Century, making Munich a center of modern art, literature, theater and innovative entrepreneurs and companies.

There is so much room for misinterpretation in the direction of the evil concept of eugenics. Fritz Heberlein (1899-1988), Swiss journalist, jurist and president of the supervisory board of the Swiss industrial company with the same name, said, the heiratskreis was about the brain. However, the brain of genius physisist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was analyzed after his death and no difference was found compared to the brains of ordinary people.  The interpretations of the theory of evolution have changed since Charles Darwin (1809-1882), from survival of the fittest to adaptation, to nature creates itself. I'm not sure, if I even want to do more research on this topic, because of the horrid misinterpretation, that lead to the Holocaust and that was reactivated, wrecking my life, deprived me and others of a livelihood in the midst of perfectly democratic and liberal societies. I believe the system of marriage derived from a very early time, when innovation was necessary in order to develope agriculture, build an economic system that allowed for trade and production, where a large part of the population no longer grew their own food, laboured in the field. In the family enterprises, there was a need for managers and operators of machines with different occupations, for which they needed different talents. 

Legends and mythes of identity

Starting during Enlightment and especially in the 19th century, with so called emancipation of Jews, the building of nation-states, there was a lot of search for identity, among Jews, as well es gentiles. Jewish intellectuals and theologists studied Jewish history, mixing religious texts, biblical stories, artefacts from archeological excavations, oral traditions, legends and myths, in order to create new teachings and branches of liberal Judaism and to foster Jewisch identity. During Nationalsocialism in Germany, this type of reserach found great interest with antisemitic propagendists and organizers of the Holocaust. While Nazi eugenics searched for scientific proof that Jews were inferior, by for example starting research programs with the objective of mating a Jewess with an ape, resulting in the invention of artificial insemination, the socalled Judenforscher studied family bloodlines, geneology and philosophical religious works of Jewisch scholars and historians, mainly in order to find people to murder and rob, considered by them to be Jewish, but not members of the Jewish communities and not to be found in the data of the caucuses of 1933 and 1939. The most prominent of the Judenforscher was Adolf Eichmann (1906-1962), the organizer of the transports to Ausschwitz. I am from a Heiratskreis that was defined by two theologists of the 16th Century, one protestant and one catholic. It included very good engineers, such as my father Prof. Dr. Heinz Trauboth,  a well acclaimed international computer scientist. Good engineers in the company were responsible for innovation and cost efficient production. Companies that had such people, were not prone to take over by financial companies who wanted to extract wealth, implement totalitarian economics. For that reason, the whole family clan was declared to be Jewish and degenerate by social darwinists

In 1943. when the existence of death camps became known, Nazis, who said they were Jews, but were most likely German Nazis, raided both my grandparents families, in Berlin and in Munich. These are the rembrance pictures for those, that were taken from my fathers family:

Lithographs by the German artist Johnny Friedlaender (1912-1992) in remembrance of Holocaust victimes from my family, denounced in Berlin. The two behind glas paintings by mysel serve as a substitute for remembrence pictures, I have given away.

The well known politician Franz Josef Strauss (1915-1988) said about what happened in the suburb of Munich:

"Who treads loose an avalanche will himself be buried under it. "

I certainly didn't tread this avalanche loose. Judenforscher and Nazi war criminals murdered the neighbor, who had been the builder of our house and the neighboring one, and the older buildings of where the German secret service BND was situated before it moved to Berlin. It was formerly called Hess settlement, named after Alfred Hess, the operations manager of the company of Linde, a relative of the Nazi Rudolf Hess (1894 in Alexandria Egypt - 1987). A group of Nazis, including the Judenforscher Peter-Heinz Seraphim (1902-1979) and Wehrmacht General Reinhard Gehlen (1902-1979), murdered the builder and took over the Hess settlement, in order to have so called white wash identities for the Nazi architect who is now named on Wikipedia to have been the builder. The bunker for Adolf Hitler was in a different place. BND once showed the bunker in the Hess settlement, with a large table. Who resided there must be known, but in order to find out and publish, more sophisticated research needs to be done.  The builder's wife, who was Jewish and their children lived as socalled submarines in the attic of the house and after the war moved to the United States. Also, a child was snatched, and as to what happened to my mother, I only know she was almost dead from hunger, when American troops freed Munich. 

In Switzerland, there were many experts for eugenics and social darwinism, such as Ernst Rüdin (1874 in St. Gallen-1952 in Munich). Many, from Germany and Switzerland who had participated in horrendous doings, atrocious human experiments, continued their careers after the war. Some social darwinists, antisemites and doctors, who had undertaken medical experiments in concentration camps, left Germany for Arab countries, such as Alois Brunner (1912-2001 or 2010), a co-worker of Adolf Eichmann, and continued their vicious propaganda there. A documentary on Austrian Television recentlich explained that Alois Brunner, other Nazis with the aid of the secret service Stasi from socialist German Democratic Republik helped with the organisation of the terrible secret service of Syria.

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